-2. When do historians think that Shakespeare arrived in London? What is the reason he may have had to leave Stratford?
He arrived in London in 1858, after his marriage.
This is a legend but surely he had to go to work for something.
The legend say that he had to leave Strattford because he was caught stealing a deer.
6. Who was Christopher Marlowe? Which kind of relationship did he have with Shakespeare? How did he die? What might have been suspicious circumstances surrounding his death?
Christopher Marlowe is an other poet of the century XVII.
The first time they competing to be the best poet and dramaturg. After they finish worked together. He die stab. Yes he can, because Shakespeare not very famous until the die of Marlowe and he dead Shakespeare start to have recognised.
7. How many sonnets did Shakespeare write? Who is believed to be the "Dark Lady" of the sonnets? Who else, other than Shakespeare, is believed to have written his plays?
He wrote approximately 154 sonnets.
It is said that the famous Dark Lady, Black Lady, which appears in Shakespeare's Sonnets of 1589 is the very Queen Elizabeth.
In the film there aren’t swords, there are guns.
In the film there are cars, but in the book there only are carriages.
In the film the fire is associated with hate and death, and the water is associated with love.
In the film advertise the party on TV.
In the fancy dress party Romeo is dressed up as a knight and Juliet is dressed up as an angel.
The narrator on the film is the news presenters.
In the film the Prince of Verona are a policeman.
In the film Julieta dies with gun, but in the book she die with dagger.
In the film, Paris and Romeo don’t fight in the thumb and Paris not die.
In the film, Mercutio dead with glass, but in the book he dead with sword.
2.2. Choose ONE of these topics and analyze its role within the play:
- LANGUAGE: which characters speak in verse? which in prose? When? Why do the characters speak in American English if Shakespeare was British? The film has no longer a narrator. Who takes this part instead? Why?
Romeo and Juliet spoke in verse. The other actors spoke in prose. They spoke in verse in the scenes where there are love and hate.
They spoke in prose when there are dialogues.
The characters spoke American English because has filmed in Miami, the majority of the actors are American.
The narrators are a news presenter of the television, because the film is modern and the television is a place on everybody saw the news on actuality.