Poker is a cards game, the most famous are: texas hold'em and californian poker, these are very different because in texas hold'em you've two cards and also you've five cards in center of the table, this game consist in create the best hand with your two cards with the others five there in the table.
I speak about the texas hold'em, this game is the most popular game of poker in the moment, the texas hold'em consist win all of the others persons, this game can last a lot.
Texas hold'em is the game there I play with my friends every friday, the best hands are:

this game is very popular around the world, the main event is: pokerstars there tv programme is televisted in la sexta and antena 3.neox.
My favourite pokerstar is Grospellier and Luca Pagano, because they are more agressive and they know read an others players.