We went to Passarel•la last Friday, Passarel•la is a summer disco which opened on Friday. It was the opening and everybody said that they would go. At the end of the day, my friends and I decided to go to Passarel•la to spent a good time together. We went to Sikim to drink something and then we went to Timoner , both of this names are bars of Empuriabrava that we went often with friends. More or less at 12:30pm we went to Passarel•la, at the first there weren’t people but around half past one, people started to arrive. We met with lot of people, some people that you never watch at the street and when you go to the disco you always watch them. When we went to Sikim, we took some flayers, as a result we didn’t pay anything for Passarel•la, they deal us like kings because we went to VIP longue. As a result, we had a good night! I hope that we can repeat in summer.
Tell me the wars you're fighting/ Explica'm les guerres que tu lluites Behind the smile you're hiding / Darrera el somriure que estas amagant All the things I know you want to say / Totes les coses que jo sé que vols dir
We tried our best to find us / Vam intentar trobar-nos de la millor manera But there are no lights to guide us /Però no hi ha llums que ens guïn I can't sleep beside a stranger now / No puc dormir al costat d'alguna cosa més rara.
Piece by piece we fall apart / Tros a tros ens desfem With every beat slows down my heart / Amb cada batec alenteixo el meu cor
[Chorus] So I'll just say what you won't say / Per això, només diré el que no vols dir and I'll take the blame if it is for your sake / I agafaré vergonya si es per el teu bé No turning back on what you can't save / No donaré la volta en el que tu pots salvar.
So far gone / Hem anat lluny Yeah, we're so far gone / Si, nosaltres estem molt lluny
I've tried hard to remember / He intentat recordar durament This prison cell used to be a shelter / Aquesta presó era un refugi Now we're just looking for the best way out / Ara estem intentat buscar el millor camí per escapar I can't fight you anymore/ No puc lluitar més You're already one foot out the door / Estas amb un peu fora de la porta
[Chorus] So I'll just say what you won't say / Per això, només diré el que no vols dir and I'll take the blame if it is for your sake / I agafaré vergonya si es per el teu bé No turning back on what you can't save / No donaré la volta en el que tu pots salvar.
So far gone, / Hem anat lluny yeah we're so far gone / Sí, estem molt lluny
And this is the face of letting go/I aquesta és la cara de deixar anar And these are things we already know / I aquestes són coses que ja sabem
So I'll just say what you won't say / Per això, només diré el que no vols dir and I'll take the blame if it is for your sake / I agafaré vergonya si es per el teu bé No turning back on what you can't save / No donaré la volta en el que tu pots salvar.
so far gone / Hem anat lluny we're so far gone / nosaltres estem lluny
So I'll just say what you won't say / Per això, només diré el que no vols dir and I'll take the blame if it is for your sake / I agafaré vergonya si es per el teu bé No turning back on what you can't save / No donaré la volta en el que tu pots salvar.
So far gone, /Hem anat lluny yes we're so far gone /Si, nosaltres estem lluny yes we're so far gone /Si, nosaltres estem lluny So I'll just what you won't say / Per això diré el qe tu no vols dir
As you know, some weeks ago Fukushima lived the worst nuclear accident. There are some reactors and some of them now are close. This mistake, adds all problems that Fukushima suffered (earthquake and tsunami). Radioactivity released exceeds that one person can be exposed in a year, that’s a bad new because a lot of people that were exposed to the radiation, in a future they can develop diseases. However, the radiation is low and there won’t many problems for the health of people.
The Government of Japan said that the explosion hasn’t been in the reactor and hasn’t generated any significant radioactive leakage; they decided to expand the perimeter to evacuate all people. I think that this decision it’s very successful because you ensure the health of people. One of the most important problems that I think that they’re very significant is that a lot of families lost their house, family, things…Recover all this things will be impossible… We’ve to help to this people like when we helped to Haiti, they’ve the same right!
I would like to show a video that explain good all the mechanism, the good working, the problems that the reactor has and some opinion of Akira Omoto that works for Japan Atomic Energy Commission.
It’s time to exams for us and for this dates everybody have stress, we’ve to work a lot for the final exams. We’ve to think about the future, about our studies. Next year everybody will be in different places, and we’ve to fight for get our place at the University. I think that these two years have been difficult and at the University will be different or I hope so. I think that batxillerat is hard and at the University you study interesting subjects that you like. You don’t have homework and you’re only worried about exams. So, it’s sounds really good! We’ve to work one more week and then study for the selectivity and enjoy our long summer! Start with our trip to Menorca So, good luck for the exams!
I was looking some videos and I find an ad that Rodri and I did two years ago. I remember that it was difficult to think about the ad, because we didn’t know what type of ad we could do. We started to think about the ad and he had an idea, we decided to do an ad about “Mixta”. It was fun because we went to the supermarket to buy some “mixta” for our ad. Ad starts with Rodri, he started to try the bottle of Mixta (the bottle didn’t appear in the video), then Marcos our friend and I, joined to open the bottle. Then Laura appeared and she said that what are we doing, then the three bottles appear. I update the video, so you can see our small ad.
I don’t have topics to talk about; I’m so exhausted about everything, not only about English. There are many exams to do and so much to study. I try to think about something about relax, like our beach, where I spend lot of hours in summer. I like summer because we don’t have school, it’s hot, we can relax, we don’t have to worry about anything, we can go to the beach and swimming pool, and we can sleep until 12 or 1 in the afternoon..! Everything is perfect! But everything change when you are 16 years old and you have to start to work in summer, work in summer is like a tradition, you have time for you but it’s not like before! You have to wake up every day, work 8 hours per day and you don’t have time to go to the beach, you’re tired to go to parties... I try to work this summer for earn money and I try to go to parties and stay with friends too! I can say that summer is the best time and the best season..!