I've been to Manchester on 5 of December. I traveled with three friends (Iñaki Fernández, Marc Barneda, Baldiri Gironella). When we arrived to Leeds airport we felt a really freeze of England. After we taken a taxi to go to center of Manchester the first thing that we does was be searched a place where we can eat for less money, we found an indian, for me I was be the most intelligent of us because I asked all without sauces, I can say that the sauces was very spicy.
When we finished to eat we taken a taxi to Woodsland road ( Is a town where we've an hotel)
The three days that we stayed there was be moreless similar, always we went to a comercial center in picadilly circus for eat KFC, the three nights only we go out two nights, these nights was be the best nights, and the next morning anyone remember anything, furthermore after the first party night we went to Old Traford to seen a match, Manchester against Valencia.
Sincerely we don't seen anyone monument but neither were many monuments in this city, this travel was be the better in my life, at this moment, the following travels will be better than this? How knows?
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